Gabriel Valles

Job Title:




How'd you do it?

I just created my job. It's a pattern I have replicated over the years and share with my students on how to create your opportunities. Learn how to learn quickly, make logical connections from different disciplines to formulate processes that are, efficient, make the job enjoyable and meaningful, and make the company money.

For example, I could only afford two years of art school so I just focused on what I knew I needed to get a job and then quit. I got a job in the animation industry making feature films. When that dried up, I freelanced while at the same time teaching myself computers and how to build websites. within a year of buying my first computer, I was running the production of games and multi-media at one of the hottest companies during the first internet boom. I created all of the processes from scratch and was the most efficient segment of the company.

I repeated this many times in top game companies' and education companies like Zynga and Readers Digest, and schools that I started myself. When I started my first school modeled after the Acton Academy I offered to pay them for training but it was only offered to their franchisees so I hired one of their 12-year-old students to run a summer Bootcamp for me. She was amazing and within a week we understood the entire process that I refined to our own format and she made $300. There is always an alternate route.


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